bird strike damage

bird strike damage
повреждение при столкновении с птицей

Авиасловарь. . 2004.

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Смотреть что такое "bird strike damage" в других словарях:

  • bird strike — noun The collision of a bird or birds with an aircraft resulting in aircraft damage • • • Main Entry: ↑bird * * * bird strike, a collision between an aircraft and a flock of birds. * * * (also bird strike) n. a collision between a bird or flock… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bird strike — A bird strike (sometimes birdstrike, bird hit, or BASH (Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard)) in aviation is a collision between an airborne animal (usually a bird) and a man made vehicle, especially aircraft. It is a common threat to aircraft safety,… …   Wikipedia

  • bird strike — An incident deemed to have occurred whenever a pilot reports a bird strike; aircraft maintenance personnel identify damage to an aircraft as having been caused by a bird strike; personnel on the ground report seeing an aircraft strike one or more …   Aviation dictionary

  • Bird strike — Eine Sikorsky UH 60 nach einem Vogelschlag Vogelschlag bezeichnet den Zusammenprall von Vögeln mit Objekten. Ebenso wie andere Lebewesen erkennen Vögel manchmal natürliche oder von Menschenhand geschaffene Hindernisse in ihrem Flugraum nicht oder …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bird scarer — A traditional scarecrow. A bird scarer is any one of a number devices designed to scare birds, usually employed by farmers to dissuade birds from eating recently planted arable crops. They are also used on airfields to prevent birds accumulating… …   Wikipedia

  • Bird collections — thumb|250px|right|MarbledGodwit, Limosa fedoa , prepared as a skin ( shmoo ), skeleton, andspread wingBird collections are curated repositories of scientific specimens consisting of birds and their parts. They are a research resource for… …   Wikipedia

  • strike — i. An attack designed to inflict damage on, seize, destroy, or neutralize a surface objective. ii. Impacting aircraft with foreign objects specifically birds, as in bird strikes. iii. Tactical close air support and interdiction attacks …   Aviation dictionary

  • Foreign object damage — FOD to the compressor blades of a Honeywell LTS101 turboshaft engine on a Bell 222, caused by a small bolt that passed through the protective inlet screen …   Wikipedia

  • Gerard Frederick van Tets — (1929 1995), otherwise known as Jerry van Tets, was a twentieth century English ornithologist and paleontologist. Born in London on 19 January 1929, he became a member of the American Ornithologists Union in 1958 and studied at the University of… …   Wikipedia

  • Gerard Frederick van Tets — (* 19. Januar 1929 in London; † 14. Januar 1995), auch als Jerry van Tets bekannt, war ein englischer Ornithologe und Paläontologe. Zu seinem Forschungsschwerpunkten gehörten Kormorane, Sturmvögel und andere Wasservögel. Leben und Wirken Nach… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Air safety — is a term encompassing the theory, investigation and categorization of flight failures, and the prevention of such failures through regulation, education and training. It can also be applied in the context of campaigns that inform the public as… …   Wikipedia

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